
Wednesday 13 January 2010

Hair Dye and Whisky

I have a bit of a cold again. This is about the third since the start of December. I think they are different ones because I’ve had a gap in between. Tonight I treated this one to hot water, lemon juice Manuka honey and a wee dram of Auchentoshan. I’d like to blame this for the current colour of my hair but I bought the dye whilst completely sober this afternoon.

I could have gone for a nice chestnut brown as suggested by the hairdresser but no, I wanted something more dramatic. I dismissed blue as being too dark and I once seven years ago dyed it blue. I remember distinctly it was the night before our two week summer hols and my nice shiny naturally henna enhanced hair went into a blue soggy mess even when dry. I spent the first week of the hols washing it twice a day under a drip of a shower and it was long at the time so it needed a lot of drips.

I settled on Hypnotic Red as (fortunately maybe) they were out of purple and violet.

I got a little on the organic cotton CREAM towels. Fortunately it was one of the old ones and I forgot to sleep with a towel on my pillow so I didn’t get it on the also organic cotton white pillowcase. I don’t know organic this and that and hair full of chemical colour.

Now the other thing of note here is that I neglected to inform my husband before he left for work that I intended to change colour! So this morning I advised him before he saw me. The light went on the second word was hell! He then voiced a thought that I had crossed my mind ‘What’s the driving examiner going to think?’.   Second one was 'If you'd had that hair colour 19 years ago I wouldn't have put my  hand in that group of girls and pulled you out!'.  I still maintain he was just hoping someone/anyone would take his hand but he assures me since I was the only petite brunette it was me he was after.

I normally spend four hours with my head wrapped in cling film and a towel after heating up natural henna from Lush and spreading what basically looks like well rotted manure on my head. Whereas this was really easy to apply but looked like a scene from psycho in the shower rather than like I’d been rolling in a farmer’s field.

So here with have the before and after – can you guess which is which?

This is the only view available as I had horrendous hat hair static cling, the other side looks like I've been electrocuted!

On the upside I did go and collect a wig yesterday which I modelled for hubby and which he liked so I do have a Plan B.

I went to yoga yesterday afternoon. It was very gentle yoga sitting in a comfy chair. I kid you not. Apparently I have a very flexible spine. I think this might be good since I have a collapsed vertebra which I neglected to tell the teacher about.


  1. I realise I'm a month late, but I love the colour of your hair. You are quite right about the scene from Psycho, every time I dye my hair red I worry the neighbours will see the water leaving my house and instantly assume one of us has murdered the other.

  2. The red faded a lot, maybe because I didn't look after it correctly, being new to this short coloured hair thing. So now I'm purple. Bernard likes this better and informed me today that when it was the faded red it looked a lot thinner. Something I had noticed myself but thought I was being a little paranoid about! He's normally not that tactful.
